Sunday 28 July 2013

Genesis of the Daleks poster work

I found some time to pick up a pencil and do some drawing this weekend. I've revisited this poster for Gensis of the Daleks. I'm still caught up in all the excitement for the upcoming Doctor Who 50th Anniversary this year. It would be great if I could produce a full series of posters covering some of my favorite episodes in time for the anniversary.

I had some inspiration for the poster layout when I was coming to end of my sketch work. I had a reference image of Davros' hand and realised it would be really menacing and creepy to have the hand enlarged looming over the poster. There's definitely some influence from 1950's science fiction posters coming through. It adds some great symbolism for Davros being the creator and controller of the Daleks. It also looks like he's moving the Dalek like a chess piece.

Davros still needs work as I just sketched in some of the areas late last night to give an idea of where I wanted to take it. I also have to include the Doctor. I may include the companions and I also have an idea for using the running soldiers along the bottom of the image to represent the war from the storyline.